Video Production

Dungse Jampal Norbu interviewe

By Francois Turgeon

About Dungse Jampal Norbu
A contemporary young American with a background steeped in spiritual tradition, Dungse possesses first hand familiarity with the challenges involved in integrating spirituality into modern life, and the possibility of doing so successfully, which he teaches in a natural and inspiring way.

"Be who you are" implies there is a way to be, which you are not being. "Being yourself" simply implies being yourself, very natural and genuine. -- Dungse Jampal Norbu

Interviewed by Caley Crossman
Video by Francois Turgeon


Acro Yoga - Trailer - Studio Bliss - 26 Avril 2014

By Francois Turgeon

video shoot and produced by Francois Turgeon 

for Studio Bliss ( 

Pour tout ceux et celles qui ont toujours voulu voler sans savoir par ou commencer et ceux qui débutent dans le monde de l'Acro yoga, Studio Bliss, Véronique Carlos et David Côte vous proposent un premier atelier pour vous mettre la tête en bas, vous étirer en apesanteur et découvrir le yoga à deux!

Débutants et intermédiaires bienvenu. David et Véro proposent des postures à votre niveau, quel qu'il soit.


Prophets & Assassins
by Bob Oré & Christopher Butler

video shoot and produced by Francois Turgeon 
edited by Vincent Campbell

Men and women who have changed the world often leave a mark on human History. These figures that have reached the rank of prophets share many common traits:  humble, yet worshiped by the masses, they usually deliver a message of peace, love, equality and brotherhood before becoming victims of a tragic and violent death. From Jesus Christ, Gandhi, John Lennon, Joan of Ark, and Lady Di to Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, JFK to Anwar Sadat, their messages have gone around the world reaching the hearts of many. Going beyond racial, religious and political boundaries, their message is timeless and their spirit is immortal.

The destiny of these famous figures is intertwined with that of other souls, even more tortured and dark. For without an assassin, there would be no prophet. These assassins are often first-time offenders, a friend, a loved one, a fan of the prophet, or ironically, the prophet himself. Through their inexplicable acts of violence, they award their victims the status of martyr, immortalizing them in our hearts and spirits.

Prophets & Assassins tells the story of the men and women who have touched us through time. Images of the prophet’s life and death are intertwined subtly with the assassin’s, creating a sublime portrait. Alongside the glossy and beautiful art photos and paintings, are passages describing the life and death of each prophet, including a memorable quotation from each of them. 
This is an original and groundbreaking artistic book that will move readers. 

The Author: Los Angeles-based Bob Oré is an author, poet and Renaissance man. In addition to being a published author, he has written many plays and worked with the governments of California, Montreal and Acapulco, Mexico. He has been developing his theory of an existing link between prophets and assassins for years. From conceptualizing the idea, to designing the book and selecting the artist, Prophets & Assassins is Ore’s child.
The Artist: Christopher Butler is a talented multimedia artist residing in San Francisco. Coming from a long and distinguished family of cinematographers, he brings a distinct visual style to his art and photography – a unique combination of film, digital imaging and painting. This book is an exclusive collection of original artwork by Butler.

video shoot and produced by Francois Turgeon for Cogito Medias Group
edited by Vincent Campbell


Rencontre avec Thomas Mulcair et son équipe

Direction and production of the official Thomas Mulcair promotional video for the Course à la chefferie du NPD 2012. The video was shot in different area of montreal including the office of Thomas Mulcair at 3333 Queen Mary, Montréal. See the official video here: (


Une Vie Plus Loin
Gracianne Hastoy

Réalisations Francois Turgeon
Montage: Vincent Campbell

Disponible maintenant en librairies!

Éric, jeune cadre dynamique satisfait de sa personne, se complaît dans une existence superficielle. Un soir, alors qu'il rentre d'une soirée trop arrosée, il est victime d'un grave accident de voiture. Lorsqu'il se réveille, il découvre avec horreur qu'il se trouve dans le couloir de la mort, et qu'il va devoir affronter un tribunal constitué de proches décédés avant de pouvoir se réincarner. C'est l'occasion pour lui de se livrer à une profonde introspection et de revenir sur certains événements clés de son existence.
Par le truchement d'une intrigue bien ficelée, façonnant un univers unique, l'auteure atteint une réelle profondeur romanesque.
Au fil des pages de ce roman, le lecteur ne peut s'empêcher d'éprouver de l'empathie pour le personnage principal. Derrière une apparente arrogance, celui-ci se révèle fragile et perfectible, à l'image du genre humain. On suit avec intérêt son évolution psychologique et sa confrontation avec ses proches -- qui donne lieu à des moments émouvants -- et on a hâte de connaître le sort qui lui sera réservé dans sa prochaine vie.

Journaliste, écrivain, Gracianne Hastoy se partage entre le Pays basque et le Mexique. Elle est passionnée par l'Histoire, l'Espagne et les civilisations précolombiennes. Depuis Le chêne de Guernica, paru aux éditions Cheminements, elle a gagné l'estime d'un vrai lectorat. Chacune de ses parutions est l'occasion d'un succès. Membre de l'Académie des Lettres Pyrénéennes, elle est également rédactrice en chef du site littéraire

visitez la page du livre en cliquant ici:


Lunacy - Author Interview with Simon E. Oré-Abitbol Molina

video shoot and produced by Francois Turgeon 

edited by Vincent Campbell

Watch a mock interview with Simon E. Oré-Abitbol Molina.
He is the author of Lunacy: A Lament of Tragic Coincidences and Curious Butterflies coming May 2011.

Simon's book is a lively and interesting combination of the classics The Little Prince and Alice in Wonderland. It is adapted for an adult audience with a taste for fantastic love stories and moonstruck characters.

His novel deals with personal anguish and self-sabotage - how human beings are capable of inflicting so much damage in their own lives by over-expecting, or under appreciating. Author Simon E. Oré-Abitbol Molina depicts the impossible lives of his characters in both a funny and tragic way. Lunacy portrays what certain setbacks in life mean, and shows readers how obsessions can change our outlook on coincidences. Seldom do we choose, as individuals, to focus on the things that help us recognize our delusions. Instead, people typically ignore all those signs that disprove them. But most important of all, Lunacy tells the story of intertwined and attached lunatics in love - their madness inspired by the moon.


She Flows

Music by Francois Turgeon / Co_realsiation Video

Lyrics by NEeMA

The Canadian Nation Film Board put out a call for submissions for reflections on water. This piece was selected and screened at the World Peace Forum in Vancouver last June 2007.

visit NEeMA website at


Music by Francois Turgeon/NEeMA / 

Co_realsiation Video/
Lyrics by NEeMA

On December 1st, 2005 NEeMA released her first video, Masi¬ (meaning thank you in Tlicho) as a message of hope and peace. This video can be seen on her website.

NEeMA's presence on and off the stage is rich and charismatic. She has spent most of her life trying to understand her place in this world. She has met the Dalai Lama and Mother Theresa. She has managed an isolated Aboriginal community in the North of Canada and worked with street children in Egypt. She is a traveler of the world and has an undeniable talent to communicate her journey through her very truthful yet uplifting songs. Her songs have a strong social message of understanding and hope for peace.

She has been collaborating and writing music with Montreal based musician, Francois Turgeon since 2002. They spent the months of March and April 2003 in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories where they recorded the initial phases of the album with local musicians Tagaq (Bjork) and Leela Gilday (both winners of several Aboriginal awards) and Norm Glowach at Spritwalker Studio. They continued the album in Montreal at DNA with David Sturton (Jean LeLoup, James DeSalvio) and Dazmo with Sari Dajani (Mitsou).

The album begins and ends with a prayer song; inspired by the chief and council meetings in which NEeMA has participated during her time in the community of Wekweti. NEeMA is featured in the upcoming documentary film by Dave Cool entitled "What is Indie?" to be launched at Folk Alliance 2006. Her music has been featured in several documentaries, namely "Tlicho Self Government: As Long As This Land" produced by Rabesca's Resources Ltd and "Crossing the Deh Cho" produced by the Deh Cho Bridge Corporation. Her music is also featured on several compilations including "Welcome to Yellowknife, Vol I" produced by Ice Vibe Recordz and "What is Indie?". NEeMA was born in Montreal of Egyptian and Lebanese descent. 


NIPI par Claude Péloquin
Réalisation et caméras Francois Turgeon

Le poème sur l’eau de Claude PÉLOQUIN écrit pour être lu dans l’espace est publié sur Terre aux éditions Transit!

Nipi, c’est un magnifique poème, mais c’est aussi le fruit de trois mois d’un travail intellectuel acharné. Le célèbre artiste québécois Claude Péloquin a été chargé par son ami Guy Laliberté d’écrire un message poétique universel pour la préservation de l’eau sur la planète, à l’occasion de son séjour touristique dans l’espace. C’est ainsi que Nipi (eau en innu) a vu le jour. Mais contre toute attente, le fondateur du Cirque du Soleil a décidé de confier son grand projet à un autre après la stupéfaction de Claude Péloquin lorsqu’il a appris qu’il devait céder l’ensemble des droits de son œuvre, droits moraux y compris. C’est donc sur Terre que Nipi vivra, grâce au soutien de Transit Éditeur.

Nipi raconte l'inquiétude des astres et des planètes pour la Terre et ses réserves d'eau. Il sera publié sous forme d’un beau livre illustré accompagné d’un DVD dans lequel plusieurs artistes, mais aussi monsieur et madame tout le monde, liront ce poème universel et laisseront leur empreinte sur le papier glacé. À noter que Transit a pensé aux collectionneurs. Une édition limitée sera publiée dans les semaines à venir, avec les vers de Nipi écrits à la main par Claude Péloquin en personne, et accompagnée d’un bonus, une lecture du poème sur DVD.

Et pour être tout à  fait complet, Claude Péloquin raconte en postface l’histoire du poème qui est aussi celle de la rupture avec son grand ami Guy Laliberté.

Claude Péloquin et Transit Éditeur ont par ailleurs décidé de reverser une partie des profits à un organisme sans but lucratif dédié à la préservation de cette précieuse ressource.

voir la page officielle de l'éditeur