vendredi 18 mars 2011

Prophets & Assassins Book Trailer!

Prophets & Assassins Book
Bob Oré and Christ butler

video shoot and produced by Francois Turgeon for Cogito Medias Group
edited by Vincent Campbell

Men and women who have changed the world often leave a mark on human History. These figures that have reached the rank of prophets share many common traits:  humble, yet worshiped by the masses, they usually deliver a message of peace, love, equality and brotherhood before becoming victims of a tragic and violent death. From Jesus Christ, Gandhi, John Lennon, Joan of Ark, and Lady Di to Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, JFK to Anwar Sadat, their messages have gone around the world reaching the hearts of many. Going beyond racial, religious and political boundaries, their message is timeless and their spirit is immortal.

The destiny of these famous figures is intertwined with that of other souls, even more tortured and dark. For without an assassin, there would be no prophet. These assassins are often first-time offenders, a friend, a loved one, a fan of the prophet, or ironically, the prophet himself. Through their inexplicable acts of violence, they award their victims the status of martyr, immortalizing them in our hearts and spirits.

Prophets & Assassins tells the story of the men and women who have touched us through time. Images of the prophet’s life and death are intertwined subtly with the assassin’s, creating a sublime portrait. Alongside the glossy and beautiful art photos and paintings, are passages describing the life and death of each prophet, including a memorable quotation from each of them.
This is an original and groundbreaking artistic book that will move readers.

The Author: Los Angeles-based Bob Oré is an author, poet and Renaissance man. In addition to being a published author, he has written many plays and worked with the governments of California, Montreal and Acapulco, Mexico. He has been developing his theory of an existing link between prophets and assassins for years. From conceptualizing the idea, to designing the book and selecting the artist, Prophets & Assassins is Ore’s child.
The Artist: Christopher Butler is a talented multimedia artist residing in San Francisco. Coming from a long and distinguished family of cinematographers, he brings a distinct visual style to his art and photography – a unique combination of film, digital imaging and painting. This book is an exclusive collection of original artwork by Butler.

video shoot and produced by Francois Turgeon for Cogito Medias Group
edited by Vincent Campbell

mardi 8 mars 2011


Julian Assange - WikiLeaks: Warrior for Truth
par Valerie Guichaoua & Sophie Radermecker

Tournage Los angeles 2011. 
Réalisation/Camera Francois Turgeon
Montage Vincent campbell

Co producteur Bob OréProduction Cogito Medias

Le 7 décembre 2010, Julian Assange, citoyen australien et activiste du web, est arrêté à Londres, en Angleterre. Cette arrestation devient rapidement un scandale médiatique international. L’homme, accusé d’abus sexuels en Suède, est retenu en détention provisoire et est passible d’emprisonnement. 
Surtout, son site Internet WikiLeaks est une société d’information sans but lucratif qui publie des analyses politiques, secrètes et classées, issues de sources anonymes et protégées. Des révélations choc sur les administrations Bush et Obama aux conversations embarrassantes et top secrètes tenues entre diplomates, les hackers et informateurs du réseau d’Assange dénichent des renseignements fiables à travers le monde entier. Ainsi, WikiLeaks confirme sans cesse l’évidente et décevante désinformation massive des populations. Julian Assange est un guerrier controversé se battant pour la transparence des dirigeants du monde. Il reste déterminé à poursuivre sa croisade pour la vérité, en se servant d’Internet comme d’une arme.

Acheter le livre ici: